Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Store, New Puppy = Eek!

Hey team!  I just wanted to update as to my whereabouts these days!  (I hate posts that explain the lack of posts, but I do understand the concept.) 

The new store opened to great success and crowds.. Yowzers!  It was awesome to see the line of people around the block to get in at the Grand Opening at 7 am.  We answered tons of "health food" questions and hopefully we'll start to establish our store as the place to go for healthy eats in the neighborhood.  Needless to say, I be workin my butt off, nailing some extra hours helping out as much as I can. 

On top of that..we got a puppy!!!!!!  He is adorable and quite the happy little lab-pit bull mix.  And wouldn't you know.. I investigated dog food nutrition and we are feeding him organic kibble.  :)  So between the store's grand opening and the grand puppy arrival, leisure time at the computer is scarce. 

However, I have been nibbling on some new healthy eats, just to test more and more of the awesome items in our section.  (Though many of these trials are processed and probably won't stick around in my daily intakes, I like to have tasted them so I can deliver knowledge-based service when customers ask opinions of me.)  A very quick review of 4 items:

1.  Genisoy Cinnamon Streusel Crisps.. YUM!  I have to mind my portions on this deliciously crispy and light-tasting snack.  With the lack of sleep lately, I'm prone to pastry cravings, and though yes, it is processed, it's a decent substitute and gets me 3 g protein and fiber per serving.  They also come in chocolate and chocolate mint, and no trans fats!  (unlike the cinnamon scone I longed for..)

2.  Frontier Bac'Uns Vegetarian Bits.  Two customers on opening day asked for these and my curiosity was piqued.  I also had Ed try them - unbeknownst to him.  I added them to the crock pot chicken stew I made last night, and it really was delicious!  For a fraction of the saturated fat and sodium of real bacon, these soybean-protein-based bits add a nice bacon flavor.  I wouldn't go overboard with these though.. I become slightly troubled as to what constitutes the bacon flavor in these, though it is an all-natural product.

3.  Justin's Organic Honey Peanut Butter.  Justin's is suddenly sweeping the nation as Starbucks is now using this brand of organic peanut butter in their protein pack trays.  It is newly available in jars (a little pricey at about $8 per jar) and so I grabbed one for my very own.  I am a peanut butter NUT (hehe) so I slathered this stuff on crackers, carrots, celery - lots of 'C' food apparently, and it was.. eh.  It is really thick, even after some unnecessary stirring, and I could barely taste the honey flavor.  I absolutely appreciate that they didn't want to load up on sugar in there, but I found it to be lacking in flavor overall.  It just kind of felt like I had a uncomfortable mouthful of peanuts - boring!  Justin's also makes classic PB, as well as classic, maple, and honey almond butters, but I think I will just stick to Sunbutter for the moment.  Maybe we'll let the new puppy eat this PB out his Kong toy.  Sorry, Justin.

4.  Snikkidy Snacks Pizza Puffs.  This review comes to you courtesy of boyfriend Ed!  He shopped while I worked and decided to adventure on his own through the natural snack aisle.. He really liked them, (though I was skeptical when I saw the bag in the pantry.)  He said they satisfied his snack craving without tasting really heavy, and the pizza flavor wasn't overbearing or heavy.  He especially liked the light and fluffy texture.  So, for those of you who enjoy the occasional Cheeto, perhaps you oculd give these little all-natural trans fat-free puffs a try instead!  They also come in macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, and ketchup flavors.  (The ketchup flavor comes in 'Stix' form, not puffs, fyi.)

Perhaps if you've seen these items but not tasted them, you now may be inspired to do so, or to not to do so.  Have a lovely week! 

Ruff Ruff woof!  - from the pup.


  1. Your new puppy looks so cute. What is his/her name? I have a chocolate lab Ares and is so much similar to your puppy. The color is quite the same. Have lots of fun with your new pet!

  2. some interesting things you have discovered there and your new puppy looks so cute, thanks for sharing

  3. This is really a great post,I really enjoyed reading it,Thanks for sharing this.

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