Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 4 of the Quest for Clean

I'm approximately 30ish% of the way through my ten-day clean eating plan, (today is morning of Day 4) and I thought a subjective and objective update on how it's going would be appropriate, from my kitchen to your computer screen.  Some ups, some sorta-but-not-really downs.. it's all part of the learning process.  Arguably more important, firstly, I bring you my subjective evaluation:  Days 1 through 3 of my Clean Eating Adventure felt good.

I'm finding myself with noticeably more energy, particularly at night when I'm leaving work (a time when I have previously been notoriously grouchy-tired.)  Dr. Ben (aka my brother) attributes my improved energy to all the other changes that are going on for me right now - phasing out of working for him, ending my semester in school, gearing up for new job training, weeks of solid workouts catching up to me - not so much the food switch-up.  I think he is probably right, because although I'm liking my higher-protein zero-processed food days, I don't think three days of a new eating pattern would present a major change like that just yet.  Who knows?  Too many variables in the air on that one.

I'm definitely fuller throughout the day.. or I guess the word would be satiated.  I like food- I like preparing it, and I like eating it - and with this plan, I am doing a lot of both.  One downside I'm finding is fitting in 5-6 meals throughout the day.  For example, I just got back from the gym and I'm drinking a little protein shakey, and I have to head out to training from noon-3 and then class from 5 until 9pm tonight.  When to eat?  Granted this is an unusually on-the-run day, but I will literally be eating all my food in the car today.. and sometimes clean eating doesn't always come in an easy on-the-go form.  I have a chicken breast and spinach whole grain wrap, but I might have to sneak in a granola bar today - and that is processed.  Hmmph.

Another mini-gripe is that sometimes I don't know what to eat.  I was sneaking to the back room at work, scarfing a hard boiled egg and a handful of almonds around 3 pm each day.  I'm chalking this up to lack of time to find new recipes to try with my varied protein sources this week.  Think that one's easily remedied.

I think the variety of foods I stocked up on is going to be key as I continue through the week.  Big spinach salads, artichoke hearts, asparagus, hummus, kalamata olives, avocado, nut butters, sprouts, grapefruit, pomegranate seeds (pictured above) - yum!  And what a variety of phytochemicals for my body.  And then there's all the different proteins.. Every meal is based around a lean protein, and if I was eating chicken at every meal I would lose my mind pretty quick.  My experiments with tofu have been hit-or-miss.. Hit=Tofu + Egg scramble; Miss=Homemade Tofu Stir Fry.  Whey powder and sliced roast beef have been quite yummy.  ... Not together.  Ew.

Ok, my objective evaluation?  The scale.  I haven't lost anything yet.  That's ok - it's only been 3 days, so any loss would probably only be water loss (this lack of processed food, not that I ate tons before this anyway, has brought my sodium levels down by at least 1000mg each day so far, which will get excess water out of me).  Secondly, I'm not a devotee of the scale 100% of the time - it's not always about that number.  I have noticed less bloatiness in my tummy, regardless of the number on the scale.  I wish I had taken original measurements, but I do know that I am fitting into some cute jeans from Old Navy that were previously buried on a shelf because they caused too much top on my muffin top.  I'm wearing them now, as a matter of fact. 

Anyway, big news and wrinle in this plan is actually good news - Ed decided to come home for the weekend from his business trip!  Very sweet and of course I'm pumped to have him around (seriously, no sarcasm.  He is fun and me likey.), buuuut.. he usually presents some challenges with clean/healthy eating on the weekend.  ...Or really, it's not that he presents them, or urges me to eat poorly, but our schedule isn't as regular and there are more temptations (larger dinners/alcohol).  He just "hates to see me not having fun" - what he doesn't quite grasp (try as I may all my different tactics!) is that what I enjoy, more so than a heavy meal, is waking up feeling awesome. I love waking up not hungover on a Sunday, knowing I watched my portions the night before, feeling slim and ready for a good workout. I enjoy taking steps closer to my summertime goals, rather than making up ground at the beginning of the week.  Motivation and progress is continuous, flowing, moving project.  Some special weekends, you need to go wild and not be so nutty about your intake.  But this weekend, for me, I vote that it's more important to keep an eye on the swimsuit prize.  I intend to stay solid on my clean eating plan, otherwise how will I get a true result of this whole thing?

How about you?  Is it a splurger or a saver kinda weekend?  Choose wisely (a la Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) and enjoy your weekend everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really interested to hear what sort of things you are eating and preparing during your clean eating period. And thanks for sharing!
